The village of Yunquera occupies a privileged territory. It harbours pinsapo paradise, with the largest forest preserve and better the world, this town is nestled in the heart of the Sierra de las Nieves, south of the Iberian Peninsula and southwest of the province of Málaga, within the scope geographic called "Serrania de Ronda". The town is located at 680 meters above sea level and has a surface area of 58 km2.
Sierra de las Nieves is presented as a geographical unit and a natural paradise that is located in the central area of the province of Málaga, part of the mountainous border delimiting the nearby Costa del Sol, with the average distance from the region to Málaga, 57kilometres.
Sierra de las Nieves was declared with the figure of a Natural Park in 1989, for being a natural area not much transformed by human exploitation or occupation, which, because of the beauty of its landscapes, the representativeness of ecosystems or the uniqueness of their flora, fauna or geomorphological formations, have some ecological aesthetic, educational, scientific and conservation which deserve priority attention. In 1995, the Man and Biosphere (MAB) of UNESCO, declared a Biosphere Reserve to Sierra de las Nieves and their environment to promote sustainable development.
This reserve has harbored the largest number of pinsapos on the world. Pinsapos forest currently occupy a total of approximately 3,500 hectares of which nearly 3,000 are located in Sierra de las Nieves, which involves more than 85% of its range worldwide. Within the region, is Yunquera the village has wider extension, about 1000 hectares.
El carnaval es una celebración popular que tiene lugar inmediatamente antes de la cuaresma cristiana, en la que se combianan elementos como disfraces, desfiles y el tradicional entierro de la sardina.
Fecha: 40 días antes de Semana Santa.
A finales de Febrero se celebra esta fiesta donde se realizan pasacalles, desfiles de disfraces y concursos de comparsas entre otras actividades.
El último día y para culminar las fiestas, se celebra el entierro de la sardina. Después de haber paseado por el pueblo a la sardina, todos los viudos de negro y todos los asistentes pasan a quemarla, con gran animación, haciendo explotar los petardos que lleva dentro y con las últimas llamas, la gente se despide de esta fiesta hasta el próximo ańo. Tras la quema, tradicionalmente se ofrece una degustación de ponche para todos los asistentes mientras se bailan un repertorio de canciones populares típicas de la localidad.